Priya Doobaree – features in Aerotime News – Fighting her own battles and Now supporting others

The first female Captain at Air Mauritius. She went back to her home country Mauritius, after flying for an airline in Singapore, to try encourage women in aviation in her country to promote diversity and inclusion in the airline. Priya Was met with huge resistance by management and was treated unfairly. The airline even refused her to attend the first international women pilots conference in Africa that was hosted in Malawi in 2019, after initially agreeing to let her represent her country and airline. This narrative needs to change in the aviation industry. Aerotime tells Priya’s story of how she fought her battles and now supports others in the industry. Priya is a qualified psychologist and coach assisting other pilots get through the Covid-19 crisis. Priya continue the wonderful work you are doing shining your light.